What is videostroboscopy?


It’s not uncommon for a singer to need medical help for their voice over the course of their career. In that moment of crisis, what do they usually ask their colleagues?

“Does anyone know a good ENT?”

It’s not the wrong question… or at least it wasn’t wrong 20 years ago. But since then, with the dominance of the field of Laryngology, the care of the professional voice has advanced far beyond what can be done by an ENT. This advancement was underpinned by the development of videostroboscopy. An exam only infrequently done by a general ENT, videostroboscopy allows the most detailed view of the voice. In addition to greater resolution, it also permits assessment of vocal function by utilizing a strobe light to show vocal fold vibration.

Ear, nose, and throat doctors usually use traditional laryngoscopy (“a scope in the nose”), which is a small flexible endoscope that is passed through the nose.  This does not give enough detail to properly diagnose and treat a professional voice.

Videostroboscopy is most commonly done by passing a small scope in the mouth, which is far less sensitive than the nose. This produces a brighter, high-resolution image of the vocal cords in action.

Laryngoscopy (on the left) gives the impression of two bumps on the vocal cords but they are difficult to visualize. Stroboscopy shows an obvious polyp on the vocal fold, guiding treatment in a way that the blurry image on the left cannot.

What is the difference between laryngoscopy and stroboscopy?


  • Low resolution

  • Low magnification

  • Dark

  • Through the nose (can be painful)

  • General overview of throat

  • Can’t see vocal fold vibration

  • Available in most ENT offices


• High resolution• High magnification

• Bright

• Through the mouth (painless)

• Detailed exam of the workings of the voice

• Can see vocal fold vibration

• Only available in voice specialist’s office

Professional voice users should not consider anything other than a videostroboscopy for their voice exam.

Interested in working with the best professionals in LA for voice care and rehabilitation?

Meet Dr. Gupta, the top voice doctor in LA, and Tressa Cox, the leading voice therapist specializing in voice rehabilitation.

Learn more about their expertise and services at the Center for Vocal Health.


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