Vocal Health and Voice Medicine

What is voice therapy?
voice therapy, voice therapist giulia chiapella voice therapy, voice therapist giulia chiapella

What is voice therapy?

Voice therapy is a rehabilitation for the voice. Just as physical therapy is done by a physical therapist, voice therapy is done by a voice therapist (a certified speech-language pathologist). It mirrors physical therapy, where gentle exercises and education allow vocal injuries to heal. It also optimizes vocal performance.

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What is the treatment for Muscle Tension Dysphonia?
giulia chiapella giulia chiapella

What is the treatment for Muscle Tension Dysphonia?

Muscle Tension Dysphonia is diagnosed when someone uses excessive vocal force or compensatory muscles to voice. This results in hoarseness and voice fatigue. We previously covered causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Here we'll explore steps to reduce muscle tension in your voice and improve your sound.

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