Annual Vocal Physical: What is a Complete Vocal Exam?

Our upcoming four-part series introduces the concept of a complete annual physical for the vocal athlete. Just like a traditional sports annual physical, a vocal annual physical ensures the vocal athlete is safe and optimized to participate in their sport, be it acting, professional speaking, or singing. By appreciating the components of this exam, you’re better able to advocate for yourself and ensure your doctor is the right one for you. This free downloadable checklist will also help you ensure you are seeing an expert in vocal athletes.

What is a vocal athlete?

A vocal athlete is a professional who uses their voice at high intensity and in complex ways that put a strain on their voice. This includes singers, actors, voice actors, professional speakers, and more.

What are the components of a good voice exam?

Part one: history taking, or storytelling.

A history is the story of the current issue and the athletes.

Part two: voice analysis

Review of sound samples or in-office demonstration of voicing

Part three: General ENT

An examination of the ears, nose, throat, head and neck

Part four: stroboscopy

A detailed, high-resolution, slow-motion recording of vocal cord vibration for analysis of injury and troubleshooting

When you tie together all four parts of that vocal health exam, you're more likely to get accurate and successful treatment. Contact us to book your annual vocal physical.

Interested in working with the best professionals in LA for voice care and rehabilitation?

Meet Dr. Gupta, the top voice doctor in LA, and Tressa Cox, the leading voice therapist specializing in voice rehabilitation.

Learn more about their expertise and services at the Center for Vocal Health.


How do I find my Optimal Speaking Pitch?


What are "On Location Vocal Checks"?